Thursday 27th November 2025 (Secondary Schools/Colleges: Grades 7-12)
Friday 28th November 2025 (Primary Schools: Grades 3-6)
On Wednesday 26th November I will be setting up the event site at Bellerive Beach.
# Organising teachers for the Hobart event please have your marquees to the event site on Wednesday 26th November so that it can be set up and in place. Volunteers may be available to assist, but where possible please help with the set up of your marquee, this would be greatly appreciated as this is now a huge task. Security is on site overnight each night. # It is a good idea for secondary schools to pair up with a Primary School so that they can use the one marquee between each other over the 2 days. This will need to be organised between schools.
If you would like to volunteer on any of the above days pleaseĀ contact us.